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How to Minimize Your Cat's Stress When Moving

Moving can be a stressful time for your cat. You are about to take it from the safety of your home and move to an unfamiliar place. Although you cannot take away all of the stress, you can take a few steps to ease it. Our veterinarian at The Cat Practice in Oak Park has a few tips to ease your feline friend.

1. Maintain Your Cat’s Routine

Routines provide both two-legged and four-legged animals with a sense of security. You may not be able to follow your full regular daily schedule, but it is essential to follow your cat’s care routine as much as possible. Try to feed it, give a few treats, and have playtime as close to the same time as usual.

2. Give Your Cat an Empty Room on Moving Day

When moving day arrives, you want to focus on two things for your cat, safety and providing a sense of calmness. You can manage both of these by picking a bedroom or bathroom that you have already emptied. Place the litter box, food, water, and a few toys in the room. Shut the door and let everyone know to keep that door closed. Hang a sign if necessary.

3. Introduce Your Cat to Its Carrier Early

Bringing out a brand-new carrier on the day of the move can cause unnecessary stress for your cat. Instead, bring the carrier out at least a few days early. Feed your cat beside it, put toys and treats inside it, and let your cat get accustomed to it being around.

4. Deep Clean Your New Home

Whether you know it or not, other pets may have lived in your new home. Picking up on a previous pets’ smell can cause stress for your cat. Give your new place a good scrubbing to get rid of any smells left behind before introducing your cat to the new environment.

5. Visit Our Veterinarian

Before moving into your new home, it is vital to ensure that your cat is up to date on its vaccinations. Additionally, if you have not done it yet, you should consider getting a pet microchip. This can greatly increase the odds of finding your pet again if your cat sneaks out during the move. If your pet is already microchipped, make sure to update your address in the national database after the move.

Contact Our Veterinarian in Oak Park, IL

Before you load your boxes onto the truck, call The Cat Practice at (708) 383-5997. Our team will ensure your cat is ready to travel and provide you with peace of mind for your moving day.