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Cold Weather Tips For Cats

Cats are better equipped for the cold weather than we are, but they are not invincible. Here are some cat care tips from The Cat Practice in Oak Park, IL about what owners can do to make their furry friends comfortable when the temperatures plunge.

Get Your HVAC Unit Inspected

If your cat is prone to allergies, home heating will aggravate them. Heaters will kick up more dust, pollen, and other allergens. Without the windows open, the home has less circulation. Signs of a cat suffering from allergies include noisy breathing, sneezing more often, and scratching more often, even to the point of causing bleeding or bald patches.

Get a Warm Bed

It’s estimated that about 90% of all cats over the age of ten suffer from arthritis, but it can strike cats of all ages. The cold worsens arthritis symptoms. A comfy, warm bed helps ease pain and stiffness. In order to help choose the right bed for your cat’s particular needs, contact your veterinarian. Beds should have low sides, so the cat does not need to jump to get in.

Check the Water Bowls

One of the most important cat care tips to follow is to make sure your cat always has access to fresh water. Outdoor water bowls need to be checked frequently. Even if your cat is an indoor cat, the water can still freeze. Place water bowls near heaters to prevent freezing. Water in bowls made out of rubber won’t get as cold as fast as water in metal bowls.

Feed More, But Don’t Overfeed

The winter months are the holiday months, and that means holiday food. A 2014 study by the University of Liverpool showed that cats need to eat more in cold weather. However, cats do not need a Thanksgiving feast every night. Take it easy with treats. Never feed chocolate to cats. Your veterinarian can help you make a list of healthy treats for your cat.

Cat Care Experts in Oak Park, IL

If you still have questions about caring for your cat in the cold weather and live in the Oak Park, IL area, contact The Cat Practice at (708) 383-5997 to schedule an appointment.